Would you like to take the perfect picture, the one you will proudly post on Instagram or make a blowup and hang in the living room? Then do not miss the opportunity to join the PHOTOGRAPHY WORKSHOP, organized on November 7th from 10:30am to 12:30pm for NYLESA CONNECT.
The NYLESA members and freelance photographers Lin Qi and Eric Pasqualli will disclose the attendees technical tips to catch the right click and share their passion for the visual art the most popular in the world. The workshop is structured in two parts, an introduction to Photography, specifically an explanation about the use of different types of lenses, and a Photo group review followed by a discussion.
Please note that to register you have to send 3 to 5 of your best picture to membership@nylesa.org. In addition on the day of the workshop bring with you your camera or your cell phone (if you use your mobile to take pictures).
For further information please click HERE