Language Course Portal 

From UN Community 

Register for Language Placement Exams

Registration is now open for placement exams for language learning and communication-skills courses for the winter term (13 January – 27 March 2020).

A placement exam is mandatory for 1) new students who would like to start at level 2 or above, or 2) returning students who have taken a break of two consecutive terms.

You can find the schedule for placement exams here.
Registration for NYLESA members is completed via
Click here for registration instructions.
**Please note that registration for Winter term courses will open on 13 December.
For all questions, please contact

Portuguese Language Class

Rosely Saad Teacher
917-226-1074 or 212-532-3994

Zumba in Portuguese
Kariny Amorim
Karyn McDonough

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