The current SC would like to extend a big “thank you” and congratulations to all the candidates who have volunteered to serve on the 2017-18 Steering Committee. Click here for photos and bios of this wonderful new group of NYLESA volunteers.
We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the seventh NYLESA AGM.
Please, let us know that you are coming by registering here.
Date: Wednesday, March 8, 2017
Time: at 10 am – 12:30 pm
Place: Danny Kaye Visitors Center, Unicef House
3 United Nations Plaza 44th Street (between 1st and 2nd Avenues) New York
If you cannot attend and vote in person, you have the opportunity to vote by proxy. To do so, fill in the document that you will find in this link with your name and the name of the person who you would like to vote on your behalf and then sign the document. Give the original paper to your proxy. Note that your and your proxy’s membership fees must be paid before the meeting starts.
The new Steering Committee (6 positions) will be elected.
The bios of the nominated candidates are available on our website. Click here to learn about the candidates.
Much has been accomplished since our last AGM (March 2016). NYLESA relies on volunteers who dedicate time and efforts and it is always open to new ideas. You will have the chance to voice your views and share your initiatives during this meeting.
Also, the following reports will be approved at the AGM:
Remember to renew your membership, if you haven’t done yet, in order to have a voice and a vote at the AGM.
Please refer to the event listing for the AGM agenda.
We are looking forward to seeing you all there!