Nov 30, 2016 | Coffee & Cocktail Gatherings
For its last cocktail gathering of the year, NYLESA Welcome Group is happy to invite you for an exceptional “Walk&Drink tour”. Follow the path of our “local” NYLESA fellow guide, to discover ones of the best micro-breweries in the city. The...
Nov 28, 2016 | Career Support Materials
Here we are sharing some important information on taxation: US Tax Requirements for UN Spouses
Nov 28, 2016 | Career Support Materials
Here you can find more information about how to obtain the driver’s license: Driver’s License
Nov 23, 2016 | Homepage News
At NYLESA we work continuously to improve the service we offer to our members. One of the challenging processes we have had to deal with during our first five years of activity has been the management of the membership payments. We are extremely happy to announce that...
Nov 20, 2016 | Official Documentation
1. According to article 5 of NYLESA bylaws, regular and associate members are obligated to pay an annual membership fee. 2. Members have to pay and renew membership fee in order to maintain their active status and be able to enjoy the benefits of such membership in...